Don't pay or wait more than you need to for a Kia radio code. We generate all Kia codes instantly, so whether you drive a Ceed or a Sportage, whether you listen to Heart FM or your own tunes – we'll get you back into your radio or navigation in minutes.
When your Kia radio or stereo gets disconnected from the battery, usually due to a garage service or a low battery, it automatically locks and begins to ask for a radio unlock code. As this is an anti-theft feature it's not possible to unlock a Kia radio without this code, but finding your radio code is an easy process that can be done in minutes. Many dealerships and online decoders also claim to generate the radio code from the VIN number, but this code will be incorrect if the radio has ever been changed in the vehicle's lifetime.
The most accurate way to get your Kia radio's code is by decoding it from the radio's serial number. The serial number will be 2 or more letters followed by some numbers, such as in the following examples:
Because we incur costs and fees for every code we generate, our money-back guarantee does not usually cover codes decoded from incorrect serial numbers. For this reason you should always double-check that the serial number you enter has the same letters and numbers as the serial number on your radio. However we will always make exceptions in obviously confusing situations, such as when a Q looks like an O or an I looks like an L.
Most Kia serial numbers can be seen without removing the radio from the dash or disconnecting any wires - simply remove the trim (or fascia) in front of the radio, and slide the radio out slightly - you should be able to see the large sticker label containing your serial number. If you still can't see your serial number, slide the radio out further, keeping the wires connected, and take pictures of all the numbers you can see on it.
To find the easiest, most specific instructions needed to remove your radio's trim, simply click here to search YouTube for your vehicle's model and model year - for example, how to remove Kia Ceed 2015 radio.
Once you've partially removed your radio from the dash and can see the sticker label on top of it, take a picture of it and compare with the image examples below to identify your radio's serial number.
Your Kia radio's serial number will look similar to the examples in this section above, usually consisting of 2 or 3 letters followed by several numbers.
On some models the serial number will consist entirely of numbers. In these cases, you should only enter the last 8 numbers into our decoder.
Once you have your serial number, all that’s left is to enter it into our Kia radio decoder and generator at the top of this page.
If you're still having trouble identifying your serial number, feel free to send us a picture of your radio's label and we'll work with you to find your radio code.
Kia vehicles and radios that we are able to decode include:
Unfortunately, it's not possible to unlock a Kia radio asking for a code without entering the code. This is intentional as radio unlock codes were originally designed as an anti-theft feature to make it harder for thieves to steal and resell car radios.
Due to the costs of running a small business providing radio codes around the world 24/7, it's not possible to sustainably offer Kia radio codes for free. There are many decoding services out there that attract customers with the word "free" only to reveal a price at the very last second or fail to deliver a code at all (as shown by their reviews). Our prices will always be shown up-front, and our radio codes are already priced as low as possible while still allowing us to stay in business, provide reliable English-speaking support to customers and continue adding support for more models and manufacturers.
Not only were we the first radio decoding company to offer radio codes for all manufacturers at one fixed price, we were also one of the first to charge as low as £4.99 - before we came along virtually no popular decoding company offered radio codes at such an affordable price. To this day we still beat 95% of our competitors on price, without making you wait around for your code.
Unfortunately it's not possible to generate a Kia radio code from the registration plate at all. Although most dealerships and some online decoding sites do use the VIN to decode the radio code, this is not reliable due to being tied to the car rather than the radio. This means that if your radio was changed since it was first manufactured, a radio code decoded from the VIN will be incorrect. For this reason RapidRadioCodes - like most online decoding sites - decodes the radio code from the radio's serial number, which gives us the best chance of unlocking your radio.
All our Kia radio codes are decoded instantly, displayed on the screen immediately after payment and sent to your email at the same time. To ensure that your code and receipt are sent to you, double-check that the email you enter when paying for your radio code is correct. If it's been more than 2 minutes since you purchased your code and you haven't received your email, get in touch with us so we can look into why this might be. In most cases this is down to a misspelt email address.
This means an incorrect radio code has been entered. To bypass this lock leave the ignition and radio on for up to 2 hours, until you're able to enter another code. If you're not able to enter a code after 2 hours, this means an incorrect radio code has been entered 10 different times - we call this a "hard lock". The only way to bypass a hard lock is to physically take the radio to a specialist with the hardware tools needed to clear the lock in the radio's EEPROM chip. However, this is a much more expensive process and it can often work out cheaper to buy a new radio. For this reason you should get in touch with us as soon as possible instead of wasting your code entries.
So you've located your serial number, entered it into our radio code generator, and received your decoded radio code in return. Congratulations! Now comes the best part: using your new radio code to unlock your Kia radio.
This process varies depending on your vehicle's radio. Each of our Kia radio codes come with simple instructions to enter your new code at no extra cost. To receive your entry instructions, double-check that your email address is spelt correctly at the payment stage. If it's been more than 2 minutes since you purchased your unlock code and you haven't received your email or receipt, get in touch with us so we can look into why this might be. This is usually down to a misspelt email address.
RapidRadioCodes™ is a small independent business based out of Sheffield, Yorkshire, in the North of the UK. Our mission is to be able to instantly generate radio unlock codes for all cars, vans and trucks, at a single fixed price that's cheaper than both the dealerships and other third-party decoding sites. Since first being established less than a year ago, we've already helped over 11,000 drivers, garages and car dealerships unlock their radios, and received hundreds of 5-star reviews across our TrustPilot and pages. Still have questions? See if we've already answered them in our main FAQ section.